Thursday, 10 April 2014

Castles in the sky

"Dream a little bit more, put in effort bigger than before because you'll never know which part of your dream shall come true."

Don't just dream it, do it. I think this phrase is heard a lot already. But sometimes, people forget to see another part of dreaming; the vast possibility of how things should be.

Some people might say, " Yea I have a dream, and it's a rational logical kinda dream" Sure, that is correct as well but, it's a DREAMMMM. Just dream on, dream big, dream illogically, dream as far as your imagination can go but just remember one thing : Put your dream to work. Make it a reality.

I always imagine what I can be and do in the future even when I know it might be quite impossible, I still hold on to that dream. Why? Because I'll never know when or which dream shall come true.

Though you have to remember to grasp the reality as well, dream is just like a,,motivation for you. A drive to keep you going. In fact, if one of your dreams does not come true, you can always move on to the next one. Or keep on working on that dream at the same time. Up to you.

Making your dream a reality is the real deal. Will your effort be as far as your dream stretches? Are you willing to take on the challenges you might face in pursuing that dream? Surely those who dare to dream must also be bold and brave, a warrior of some sort. eceyh,over. 

Ehem, okay so what I'm trying to line out here is that with my encouragement to you to dream bigger, make sure your actions are bigger. It's the only way to make it happen anyway.

Along with the dream comes hope and expectation. And with those two, disappointment can tag along.
And when that disappointment kicks in, you need to have faith that it'll be alright.

People who are afraid to hope, shall never get to anywhere. You'll be too scared to face the disappointment that can break your heart. It shouldn't be that way though.

Maybe you didn't realize this, but being disappointed means you know you can do it. Maybe not on the first try, the second or even the third but you'll make it,somehow and someday. You just have to have the faith.

And remember, for everything that happened, be it good or bad, there's a lesson to it.

So open up your heart and mind. It's okay, everyone gets hurt every once in a while. How you treat the wound and what you do after that shall make a difference.

May Allah bless all of us and grant us our wishes in His best way. Amin.

Friday, 4 April 2014

Writing out le thoughts

Sashiburi. Em, maybe that's how to write it down. It means been a while. I guess. (influence from japanese drama la ni.hee)

Anyway, as the title stated, I'm writing the thoughts that's been lingering through my head for quite a while.
Well, we should share stuffs that are beneficial to others right? Macam perasan my thoughts bagus pula kan. Takpe, bear with me. :D

#1 : 
If you're thinking of doing something good, DO IT right away. You might not get that same feeling or chance again.
If you're thinking of doing something bad, HOLD IT. You might not be able to repent some other time.

#2 :
While other people say " Don't judge someone because you don't know the story behind it" ,
 I'd say " Don't judge someone because you're in no position to judge them."

#3 :
Hold on to what matters most

#4 :
Pray hard - in happiness, grief, sadness, anxiety, content, mad, calm. You just have to pray to God, and have faith that He'll make it all better.

#5 :
If we really miss someone, pray for them.

#6 :
Be courageous. There's always a new castle of dream to build.

#7 :
It's never too late to be that great and awesome person you want to be.

#8 :
Find peace in His words.

#9 :
I am never perfect and won't be. But at least, I could say I've given my best.

#10 :
Loving someone is accepting their flaws and beauty. 
Guess that's why our mothers love us unconditionally.

#11 :
Spread your knowledge. Put it to good use. That's the reason why we learn anyway.

#12 :
Do what you love, do it passionately. 

Guess that's all for now. Maybe there'll be some other thoughts to come. MAYBE. :D
Let's pray that all of us will be under Allah's blessing now and forever. Amin.